Weekly Q&A ; 29/05/07

On martes, 29 de mayo de 2007 0 comentarios

La pregunta es, si pudieras cambiar tu nombre, cual seria y porque.

Takahashi: Elizabeth, Porque me gustaria vivir en Viena
Niigaki: Me gusta mi nombre, y creo no tener la necesidad de cambiarlo
Fujimoto: Estoy bien con Miki
Kamei: Erika suena bien! Suena como un nombre de gran clase.
Michishige: Recientemente he estado pensando en un nombre totalmente femenino y me gusta el de Ximena, pero estoy agradecida con mi papa y mama por el nombre de Sayumi... Sayume es lindo
Tanaka: Anna. Cuando mi familia estaba en la decision de los nombres Anna era uno de ellos.
Kusumi: La ☆ Koharu. Nadie podria tener el mismo
Mitsui: Estoy safisfecha con Aika. Mi abuela decidio el nombre y estoy agradecida por ello.


En tu caso cambiarias tu nombre?
en el mio no, ya que estoy satisfecho con el mio, ademas suena muy bien y me permite jugar con mig apellidos, ya que soy triple G, GGG, jijijijiji
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アイドル・オタクの研究室。 Idol Otaku's laboratory. "Ser wota para ser libre" :D

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Una frase totalmente verdadera, para todos los wotas, es muy buena, la usa Kurisu, nuestro conductor del Akiba-Love, y cabeza del grupo wota en mexico del Hellofanclubmexico.

アイドル・オタクの研究室。 Idol Otaku's laboratory. "Ser wota para ser libre" :D

Tomada de su blog
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Trascripcion del programa donde Miki aparece asegurando lo de su noviazgo

On sábado, 26 de mayo de 2007 0 comentarios

07-05-26 Young Town Doyoubi Summary
Written by epifanes, updated: 26-May 2007

Young Town Doyoubi 07-05-26

Opening talk

So, before all the scolding starts today, Sanma explains that he was *advised* to be *nice* to the girls today by UFA staff members. (:D) Sanma's main scolding point is, that in the previous episode, he was trying so much to show what a good guy he is, thinking about the girls' future, etc., and yet they don't take his fatherly warnings seriously (the same thing happened with Katou Noriko in the past :D). He was even afraid to buy the Friday today, worrying and hoping he wasn't featured in the article (:D). Sanma is not sure how openly she can talk about this today, but Miki says it's okay to say everything. Miki releases the first bomb by saying she emailed Sanma yesterday, and told him not to be too harsh on her during today’s recording (also because she is going to talk to (UFA boss) Yamazaki right after this, so more scolding is awaiting her probably :D). Then, she freely admits that the photos in the Friday article were true, and she indeed went to a sauna, a restaurant, and apartment with Shouji. (<3) Sanma also got a phone call from (Miki's) Shouji, who was asking him how to deal with this, but refused Sanma's offer to act as his spokesman in this case (:D). Sanma explains how (Young town's) Shouji was unable to sleep all night from the shock. (some of his acquaintances thought it's about him :D) Shouji learned about it during some dinner yesterday, first just as news about (Miki’s) Shouji, but then he also learned who his partner in crime was. Miki still wasn’t told to dump the guy (as Sanma asked), she is just going to discuss all the things after the show, and she has to think about what will happen with Morning Musume later on and the steps she'll make in the future (Sanma mentions Yaguchi’s case as example :DDD). Sanma already crowns Aichan as leader (she doesn’t want the position though :D). Sanma thinks Miki should have found someone more well-known, not a 3rd-grade comedian (he also mentions some candidates, like, for example, Horiuchi Takao, etc :DDD). Sanma tried to find some girls for (Miki’s) Shouji before, as the guy asked him to. Sanma advises Miki to lie to UFA and tell them she will break up with him, but Miki has no such intention. She plans to continue dating him – eating, going out, etc. (after hearing this, the manager outside got a very surprised face and quickly ran out of the studio, cellphone in hand :DDD). Sanma also says Aichan will be next in the news, so she had better confess right now. (:DDD)

Zenryaku no corner

The first letter is from Friday-san (:D:D:D). (well, not really, but it was a good joke :D). Sanma expains Aichan that she is lucky this didn't happen to her, and it prevents her even from thinking to do what Miki did (:D) The first letter is about the Champions League finals (which the girls skipped again). Sanma was reminded of the football cleats he promised his nephew (an old story). Sanma talks about the match and some of his acquaintances who got to see the match live.

The second letter is about (Young Town's) Shouji, who appeared on Downtown’s Gaki no Tsukai this week (and failed hard again :D). Miki finds his jokes funny, so Sanma scolds her, as she should have no reason to laugh today (she had better cry, like the female manager in the studio, who is close to tears :D). Sanma explains to Miki that she should also seriously think of the amount of problems she caused for UFA. Sanma talks about the bad relationships between Nagabuchi Tsuyoshi and Kuwata Keisuke a bit. Sanma asks Miki again directly what exactly was true in the article, and forbids her laughing from today. (:DDD)

The third letter is about a lottery that happened this week. The listener asks what the Yando members would do if they won the 1st prize (around 500 million yen). Miki would buy a new house (Sanma asks directly if it would be for newlyweds :DDD), or rings and handbags, and a villa in a foreign country (Sanma: "So reporters won’t find you, eh?" :DDD). Aichan would buy a lot of tickets to musicals. (:O) Sanma would donate everything to welfare. (:O) Looks like Aichan is pretty informed about lotteries all over the world. (she keeps the talk going with Sanma :D)

The fourth letter is about (Yando) Shouji’s upcoming birthday on the 28th of May. Looks like Sanma forgot about it, but he promises to give something to Shouji next week during a golf outing. Miki didn’t bring a thing (of course, she was too busy with other things :D). Aichan remembered it (she has it even written down in her notes :o), but didn’t bring anything either (and apologizes :o). Sanma gets reminded of the idea of getting his ears pierced, but doesn’t sound too persuaded, even though girls tell him it’s not that bad.

The fifth letter is about Aichan’s new haircut. The listener praises her, and asks Miki if she has any intentions to go back to her short hair too. Miki doesn't plan on it, but Sanma uses this to keep poking her about other things again. (:D) Aichan thinks of cutting it even shorter later, as she thinks it’s still too long now (Sanma thinks not many girls look good with a short hairstyle, but both him and Shouji thinks it looks fine on Aichan).

Ai no “Shouji-san to nara dekiru mon!” no corner

Sanma explains exactly which Shouji is this corner about. (Miki ignores this :D)

“Aichan, how can I get rid of the habit of keeping all my shopping receipts?” – Aichan also usually keeps them all (as in celebrities’ case, they usually need it to give to their agencies. Sanma does this, too).

“Aichan, how can I learn to eat more slowly?” – Aichan thinks chewing one mouthful 10 times is the proper way. Shouji explains that showbiz people usually have to eat in a hurry (the girls nod, too).

“What should be done when you don’t find chopsticks with your lunchbox?” – Aichan has no idea, so Shouji comes and advises to just use your hands. Sanma thinks people sending emails to this corner must be sad, as Aichan isn't giving any proper advice. (:D)

“How should I spend sudden school holidays usefully?” – Aichan didn't give any answer, because Sanma talked about infectious diseases that cause sudden school holidays. Sanma also appeals to listeners, asking them to stop sending mails for this corner, so they can abolish it (:D).

MM’s latest song " Kanashimi Twilight" plays here.

Murakami Blog no corner

Entry 1 – Shouji thinks about the youngest pro-golfer to ever win a tournament.
Entry 2 – Shouji’s manager asks Shouji to promote his gags and gag tools more, like Ogura Yuuko does.
Entry 3 – Shouji thinking of getting adopted by Sanma.
Entry 4 – Shouji thinking of moving to work on a dairy farm.

Listener wo Iyasemasen no Corner

Sanma will have no mercy for Miki in this corner from now on (:D), and even asks her to apologize to him. She does, and Aichan does too, but Sanma tells her she doesn’t need to, as she was not Friday’d yet (:DDD).

Ai - Mou torotoro (?) (I feel drowsy) – Sanma supports Aichan today, and he even thinks Aichan could use Miki's current weakness and become Iyasemasen queen (:D)
Miki - Sugoku atsui (It’s too hot) – Miki gets scolded, as she pretends she has no idea what the line is about. (:D)
Ai - Sugosugi! (It’s too good!) – Not really good.
Miki - Yadaa, konna kakkou (What is this outfit?) – Miki is playing a shy girl today, so Sanma is not satisfied (but he understands how Miki feels today, so forgives her). Shouji scolds Miki, because he felt much worse yesterday due to her. (:D)

Ending talk

Sanma thinks about how Miki’s fans must feel (they probably didn’t enjoy this episode :D), and asks Miki for a public apology. Miki apologizes for the uproar she caused, and promises that the decision about her future will come soon after the discussion with UFA boss Yamazaki & Tsunku, and the results will be known soon. Still, Sanma praises her for having the guts to appear today, though he knows how the first scandal like this feels like. (:D)
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Miki Fujimoto, envuelta en escandalo

On viernes, 25 de mayo de 2007 0 comentarios

Desde la media noche del miercoles horario mexico, se hizo saber que la revista Friday, tenia las fotos de Miki Fuijimoto, actual lider de MM, saliendo con un chico, esta chico es un comediante de 31 años.

En el reportaje narran que llevan una relacion desde el otoño pasado, que se les ha visto a ambos pasar noches juntos, ademas las fotos que publican son del dia que Tsuji Nozomi anunciaba su embarazo.

Esto pone en un aprieto a Miki, ya que racapitulando Mari Yaguchi, paso por una situacion parecida y por ello fue expulsada del Hello Project.

El dia de ayer durante una pequeña conferencia de prensa despues de la obra de teatro de Mari Yaguchi, Iida Kaori y Ai Takahashi(sub lider de MM), comento que tienen que tratar esta situacion con mucho cuidado ya que ellas son las lideres del grupo.

Ufa, ha comentado que solo es un rumor la relacion de Miki con el comediante, asi que no va a emitir castigo alguno por el momento.
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Maki hace oficial el lanzamiento del 2nd sencillo de la unit de 10 aniversario

On jueves, 24 de mayo de 2007 0 comentarios

Maki, atravez de su blog, hace oficial el lanzamiento del segundo sencillo de la unit de 10th aniversario de las morning musume.

Y la fecha de lanzamiento es el dia 8 de agosto.

Se puede creer, que se lanzara en la gira de conciertos de verano. Ya que estan anunciados como Hello! Project.
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Gam 1st. Album

On miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2007 0 comentarios

Despues de escuchar el nuevo disco de Gam, Album debut de estas chicas, puedo decir, que realmente me han sorprendido, debido al contenido ritmico y tan bailable de las canciones.

El tracklist es el siguiente:

01 - Thanks!
02 - Junketsu ~ONLY~
04 - Ai no fune
05 - Koko de kisushite
06 - Lu Lu Lu
07 - Icha icha SUMMER
08 - Aijou OASIS
09 - …H
10 - Amai yuuwaku
11 - Thanks! (Yuuwaku Remix)

De las 11 canciones, quitando los 3 sencillos y el mix de thanks, las otras estan geniales, tienen su toque de balada obviamente, pero estoy seguro, que con estas canciones, van a poner a bailar a los wottas en sus conciertos.

Dentro de poco la reseña de nuevo sencillo de Viyuden: Koi suru angel heart c/let's live
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nuestro blog: dokihello.blogspot.com
nuestro mail: doki.hello@gmail.com
nuestro msn: doki.hello@gmail.com ya que es una cuenta msn
nuestro skype: doki.hello.heart

Espero puedan contactarnos y nos vemos el siguiente programa.

PD, dispulpas de antemano si existieron algunos momento con retraso o la musica casi no se escuchaba.



Usa-Chan Peace!!!!!!!!!
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Pocket Morning Weekly Q&A ; 22 de mayo

On martes, 22 de mayo de 2007 0 comentarios

Les agradan las historias de terror.

Ai: Realmente las detesto.

Risa: Nooooo!!!!, porque durante la noche, no puedo dormir sola!

Miki: Me llegan a asustar, pero las disfruto.

Eri: Realmente las odio, demasiado.

Sayumi: Me gustan, aunque me producen miedo, las disfruto.

Reina: Me gustan, aunque me producen muchas ganas de ir al baño, situacion que realemnte no me gusta, pero disfruto mucho de las historias de terror.

Koharu: Noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aika: No me gustan las historias, aunque si se trata de casas embrujadas y estan en videos o peliculas, me agradan, aunque me asuste mucho.

Simpatica las respuestas de todas, las chicas, Me encanto la respuesta de Risa, ya que no puede dormir sola despues de ver o escuchar una historia de terror.
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Pocket Morning Weekly Quetion & Answer : 15 de mayo

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Q: -si pudieras tener un negocio o una empresa de que seria?

Ai: De deliciosa comida de Fukui, abriria un restaurante en Tokio, para que la gente pueda conocer mas acerca de Fukui.

Risa: Decoracion de arboles de navida, yo diseñaria los arbolitos, y se los entregariamos a la gente.

Miki: Probablemente algo que tuviera que ver con Animales.

Eri: Probablemente adornos referentes a Tortugas; galletitas de tortugas.

Sayumi: Una empresa donde todos pudieramos ser amigos.

Reina: Un restaurante al estilo Hollywood, muy orientado a los que hay en USA.

Koharu: Un Cafe exclusivamente para niños y un pequeño restaurante.

Aika: Un restaurante.

Mi comentario, las respuestas se me hicieron muy interesante ya que la gran mayoria les gustaria tener restaurante, la que me sorprende es Ai, ya que siempre esta preocupada por mostrar mas cosas de su lugar de origen..

En el caso particular, la respuesta de Sayumi, se me hace en extremo rosa.
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On sábado, 19 de mayo de 2007 0 comentarios

Hola a todos, mi nombre es Gustavo o también conocido como Bluealakazam, y soy el conductor del programa DOKI HELLO HEART, el cual se trasmite a través de Yumeki Radio.

Espero nos escuchen.

La intención de este blog, es para que podamos tener un contacto directo y pueda escribirles las diferentes noticias, algunas fotos y enlaces, donde pueden saber mas acerca de las chicas del HELLO! PROJECT.

Espero nos acompañen cada emisión.

Doki Hello Heart se trasmite de 7 pm a 9pm. Todos los martes.

Un Saludo a Todos y Espero Nos Disfruten.

PD: Usa-Chan Peace!!!!!!!

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