Autumn is the season of sport festivals! What event do you like most? (Or used to like?)

On martes, 14 de octubre de 2008 0 comentarios

Tamaire [putting balls into baskets]!
I used to love it.

☆Obstacle race☆
It was always fun during H!P sportfests.

Anything with running ☆☆

I'm restricting myself to
nothing but cheering... (・_・;)

Cavalry battle! I've never lost ☆(-゚∀゚-)/~~

Cavalry battle! Because I've never tried that.
I'm tall, so I could attack from above!

Big rope jump! Our class was enthusiastic
about it every year, and even guys who were
not too consistent became team players during
the training sessions. ☆
Those (training times) were the best times! ☆

The relay race.

Foot races!
I participated in those at school ☆

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