If you could see what one person will be like 10 years from now, who would you want to see?

On martes, 12 de mayo de 2009 1 comentarios

Morning Musume. That's not "one person" though.
But I want to see them (^-^)

Myself. I'm curious... 30 years old ♪
If not me, then Koharu. I wonder if she'll be
doing well... Lookng back would be scary.

A fan wearing glasses that I saw
a while back at Osaka Station ♪

Myself... Really, I'm just
anxious about my own future (>_<)

Tanaka Reina!!

Myself in 10 years.

Junjun. She's already over 20, and still
so sweet and girlish, so I want
to see how she'd look after 30.

I don't want to see anybody...

Myself! I sort of want to see
what I'll be like in 10 years!

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