Pocket Weekly Question and Answer

On martes, 15 de julio de 2008 0 comentarios

Question: Is there a tongue twister that you are good at?

Nope; I end up biting my tongue.

Probably "Tonari no kyaku wa yoku kaki kuu kyaku da."
[the neighbor's guest often eats persimmions]

"Namamugi namagome namatamago!!"
[raw wheat, raw rice, raw egg]
I can do this one really well ★

"Sumomo mo momo mo momo no uchi"
[Both peaches and plums are in the peach family]
This is the only tongue twister I can do well↑↑

"Bouzu ga byoubu ni jyouzu ni bouzu no e o kaita"
[A monk skillfully painted a picture of
a monk on a folding screen]
I am super→fast at this one ♪(^ _ ^ lol

"Basu gasu busu basu gaido"
[bus gas ugly bus guide]
It's not very nice, but it's the one
I'm best at (sweat drop)"

"Bouzu ga byoubu ni jyouzu ni bouzu no e o kaita"
[A monk skillfully painted a picture
of a monk on a folding screen]!!
During a tongue twister competition at school,
this was the only one I could say^□^

There aren't any that I'm very good at,
but I am pretty good at talking fast.

There are plenty! But they're in chinese・・・・・・

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