Pocket Weekly Question and Answer

On martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008 0 comentarios

Question: What is your favorite four-character idiom?

"The four seasons"
[Shunkashuutou 春夏秋冬]
[lit.: "Spring Summer Fall Winter"]

"Give it all you've got!"
[Zenryokutoukyuu 全力投球]
[lit.: "All Strength Throw Ball"]

"Perseverance brings results!!"
[Kennin kaketsu 堅忍果決]
[lit.: "Solid endure achieve decision"]
I think it's a very important thing. ★

"Check your left and right"
[Sayuu Kakunin 左右確認]*
[lit.: "Left Right Certain acknowledge"]
Because consistently, unpreparedness
is one's worst enemy ↑↑ >▽<

*Note: Sayu has mentioned on her radio show that she likes this idiom because "Sayuu" sounds like "Sayu".

"A great feeling ↑↑"
[Kibun joujou 気分上々]*
[lit.: "Feeling up up"]
(->V<-) I always want to be in a fun mood!

*Note: "Kibun Joujou ↑↑" is the name of a popular song by the group mihimaru GT.

"Kusumi Koharu" [久住小春], of course.

"A hundred throws, a hundred Bullseyes"
[Hyappatsu hyakuchuu 百発百中]
☆ Because isn't it kinda cool to aim at it 100 times
and hit it 100 times ☆▽☆!? That would be amazing↑↑
I've always liked the idiom
"Once-in-a-lifetime encounter"
[IchiGo IchiE 一期一会]
[lit.: "One Time One Meeting"]
But recently, I've liked the other one!!

"Kamei Eri" [亀井絵里]
(When I asked Kamei-san what I should write,
she told me to say that.)

"One Two Three Four"
[ichinisanshi 一二三四]
^▽^ HA~HA~ Just kidding~
"One of a kind"
[Dokuitsu muni 独一無二]*
[lit.: "alone one no two"]

*Note: This may be a Chinese idiom with a different pronounciation.

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