Who makes you think, "This person sure cries a lot"? (Feel free to add any stories.)

On martes, 23 de septiembre de 2008 0 comentarios

Myself. I cry a lot.

Jun Jun... She cries so easily!! She's so emotional ★
Ai-chan cries easily too!!
But with her, she cries whenever she feels "no"!! (lol)

Our leader ★ and sub-leader ★
It seems like those two are quicker to cry
than anybody else!!

Jun Jun.
It seems like she carries tears with her every day ☆☆

Ai-chan!! → Huh?! I can imagine her now
with a face like this (゜o゜ and crying...
She really does cry a lot!!!

Jun(2)!! I think she cries a lot...
Whether she's happy or sad, I can see her crying!!
She has weak tear ducts!!

It's Jun Jun * I've seen more of her tears
than anybody else; When she first joined,
she was crying as she said,
"I'm glad I get to join Morning Musume."
Even though she was really happy!!

It's me!

This one → "Jun Jun"!
Because she always cries!

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